John Osborne – We Can Dance Again

We Can Dance Again was written in lockdown and is an uplifting story about how when bad things happen there is always optimism. It was made with a brilliant group of people called In Good Company and I worked with Emily Coleman, who is someone I knew years ago when I first made storytelling shows for theatre. We spent a couple of days at Arena Theatre in Wolverhampton working out how the show could be put together, and then it was filmed in one take on a hot July afternoon in 2021.

I interviewed a few people whose lives revolve around dance, including a Morris dancer called Peter, my friend Grace who runs an incredible project called Joy in Dance and actor and dance teacher Nicola Holt, who talked about people celebrated the end of the First World War by dancing and that it was the most vibrant time of the twentieth century, with dance halls opening up to cater for the new demand of people who were desperate to dance. It’s a show I’m really proud of and you can watch it here.

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